Enlighten Cannabis: Because of Enlighten, the Marijuana Industry Is Getting Smarter.

In Bowling Green, Kentucky, business partners Jeremy Jacobs, an expert in digital marketing, and Colby McKenzie, an attorney, came up with the concept for this company after seeing the economic potential of the developing cannabis industry.

With a focus on retail and marketing solutions, Enlighten is the biggest cannabis technology company in the US. This accomplishment is arguably more impressive in light of the fact that Enlighten was only published in June 2018 by Jacobs and McKenzie.

Enlighten was born out of a realignment as part of a bigger plan for acquiring and deploying technologies. Early in 2017, Electronic, the predecessor of Enlighten, made its appearance, although it could only be used for in-store instruction.

Enlighten is the first business to integrate and balance the needs of marketers and merchants while providing its advertising clients access to about 2,000 digital screens at over 1,000 dispensaries in the United States, Canada, Jamaica, and Puerto Rico. Both in-

enlighten cannabis

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Enlighten Takes Customers’ Feedback Very Seriously.

Enlighten has established a reputation for developing innovative solutions to problems as they arise throughout its years at the helm as the cannabis industry’s top software provider.

According to Chairman and CEO Jeremy Jacobs, the Companies that Discover What They Can Manufacture and How to Market It Fall Into One of Two Categories. And then there are companies like Enlighten that conduct research on the problems people actually face and develop products to solve those problems.

Jacobs and Mc Kenzie Have Developed a Simple Yet Surprisingly Effective Method to Better Understand the Scope of These Issues. To find pain points and unmet demands, they have in-depth conversations with both current and potential customers. They concentrate their R&D efforts on creating products that could potentially satisfy those demands.

Cannabis Producers Have Been Quite Active.

Retailers were complaining that they needed better technological systems, particularly those via which they were connecting with their customers, such as online ordering platforms, self-service kiosks, and their [in-Store] menus that needed to be updated in real-time, according to Jacobs.

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Manufacturers of cannabis have been working hard to spread awareness among both recreational and medical users. nevertheless, due to the specific legal restrictions placed on cannabis, they have been unable to.

Since “you Can’t Do YouTube, Facebook, Google, or Television,” the Companies “were Moaning That They Had Nowhere to Invest Any Advertising and Marketing Expenditures,” Jacobs explains. At first, not even billboards could be erected. We had a lot of limitations.

This Was a Factual Statement Rather than A Boast.

Jacobs and Mc Kenzie were able to continue after learning more about the preferences of their customers. With the Innovative Spirit and Boundless Inventiveness that the Emerging Cannabis Sector So Sorely Needs, without Restraint.

You Don’t See Anyone Else Doing This with the Experience and Sophistication with Which We Are Working, Jacobs told The California Business Journal. This was a factual statement rather than a boast.

Enlighten is in charge of creating cutting-edge digital menus for use on storefront screens, online stores, and automated teller machines in the retail sector. Enlighten creates exclusive shows for cannabis dispensaries as a part of their advertising strategy, incorporating both conventional and unconventional forms of advertising.

Promoting the Cannabis Industry and Its Products.

Through audio-visual mediums like brand films, instructional videos, trivia contests, educational presentations, interactive social media displays, and more, the cannabis industry as a whole is advertised.

Simply put, both Enlighten’s retail stores and their advertising partners profit from one another. They both profit from one another in terms of making money and informing customers about their options for using cannabis, whether for therapeutic or recreational purposes.

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The Smarthub Being Made Aware.

In its first year of operation, R&D at Enlighten was more of a jumble. It Makes Sense That They Would Give Priority to Addressing the Urgent Issues Faced by Cannabis Dispensaries and Their Advertising Clients Given That They Were Starting From Scratch.

However, the retail sector has unmet needs. Particularly, the need for coordinated technical systems that are capable of handling numerous time-sensitive operations at once.

We had all of these solutions, but Jacobs continues, “They didn’t really fit together and completely solve the problems in their entirety.” “To Access Each of These Standalone Solutions, You Must Sign In To Multiple Systems.”

The Time It Takes to Get Goods from the Warehouse to the Stores Where They Are Sold Is Theoretically Dramatically Reduced in a Digital Environment. No matter how many points of contact with customers need to be updated, this should be possible with the ability to build digital networks that connect them.

In other fields, there are already systems in place that can help with this. They Have Refused to Enter the Cannabis Industry, Leaving Opportunities for Innovative Companies with Wisdom and Experience.

Business Categories Like Enlighten. With the introduction of the Smarthub System for Shops, Enlighten has once again defeated its rivals.

enlighten cannabis

A Pos System Called Enlighten Smarthub Connects Cannabis Businesses.

Enlighten Smarthub is the outcome of years of gathering feedback from a dispensary and retail owners, according to Jacobs. A POS system called Enlighten Smarthub links cannabis businesses to a single inventory management system.

The seamless, real-time translation of inventory data to a wide range of channels, including online marketplaces, in-store digital menus, and automated teller machines, is made possible by the Smarthub Platform. Every customer who uses any device to access a dispensary’s product catalog will always receive the most accurate and complete information.

Before the introduction of Enlighten Smarthub, employees at dispensaries had to manually enter this information, one register at a time. The process was tedious, time-consuming, and challenging to complete in a timely manner.

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From a business’s perspective, this added a layer of inefficiency that may cost them money and clients due to lost sales opportunities and disgruntled clients as a result of outdated menus.

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Enlighten Smarthub Is Introduced.

However, the landscape has changed as a result of the introduction of Enlighten Smarthub. All of your online orders, in-store sales service kiosks, TV menus, and product information are now saved in a single location and can all be instantly updated in real time, according to Jacobs. Dispensaries can now streamline the information flow between the front-end sales display and the back-end storage areas with little effort from staff.

enlighten cannabis

The Company’s logical next step was to develop the Enlighten Smarthub System. Enlighten Smarthub, which debuted on June 10th, 2020, has received a lot of positive feedback from businesses that have adopted and implemented it for its speed and efficiency.

Enlighten will roll out updates to Enlighten Smarthub for its marketing clients in the next month or two, much to the delight of advertisers. They Can Now Centrally Manage Their Messages Across Various Digital Channels Thanks to These Updates.

Education Is Needed for Cannabis.

The cannabis market is still largely isolated from other economic sectors, despite its rapid expansion. Cannabis business owners must rely on internal industry advancements to ensure their survival. These Will Include the Implementation of Astute Commercial Plans That Are Not Restricted by Persistent Legal Obstacles and the Deployment of Technologies That Benefit All Parties.

Enlighten is a Model for the Cannabis Industry by Offering Cutting-Edge, Precisely Targeted Software Solutions to Enhance Retail-Marketing Efficiencies. Enlighten’s ground-breaking Smarthub system is illuminating the path to a better future.

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