Cannabis Free Cigarettes: Hemp (CBD) Cigarettes, Advantages and Disadvantages !

The only difference between tobacco and hemp cigarettes is the substance within. Just smokable hemp derived from industrial hemp or high CBD strains is available; there is no tobacco.

The quantity of THC in these cigarettes is measurable, but it is less than the 0.3% legal limit, which is too little to cause intoxication.

Be aware that using any full-spectrum CBD product, including CBD cigarettes, carries the same risk of making you fail a drug test as does use any other CBD product.

These may be suitable for you if you don’t mind drug tests and are looking for a smokeable alternative to tobacco cigarettes. They offer a comparable experience and form, and they can even have a relaxing effect.

You are however exposed to toxins and carbon monoxide when you smoke anything. It is not safe to smoke hemp CBD cigarettes. However, some evidence suggests that ingesting CBD may aid in quitting smoking by lowering your nicotine cravings.

Try some of the highest-quality hemp cigarettes available if you believe that smoking CBD can benefit you.

Want smokable CBD for vaping but don’t want to smoke? However, portable cannabis vaporizers are designed to be used with all cannabis flowers, unlike something like a weed pen, which is only for THC oil.

cannabis free cigarettes

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What Benefits Might Cbd Cigarettes Provide?

Hemp cigarettes are primarily intended to serve as a tobacco-free alternative. In today’s market, they are sometimes referred to as “CBD cigarettes” since hemp offers all the well-known advantages of CBD without the addictive and hazardous components contained in cigarettes. The same can be true for vaping, yet some smokers may think hemp is the ideal compromise between the two.

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From start to finish, the entire experience is similar to smoking. The cardboard box they arrive in can be packed however you choose. They still use the same filters you’re used to and you still get to pick off that little bit of foil. They can be bought lawfully in numerous places, including online.

It’s not the goal of hemp cigarettes to make you high or to taste like a high-quality cannabis joint. Since hemp is really simply very low-THC cannabis, they do emit a faint weed odor. Hemp cigarettes might be the perfect replacement for your current pack of cigarettes.

cannabis free cigarettes

Pros and Drawbacks of Smoking Hemp Cigarettes

Although not for everyone, hemp cigarettes may be just what you need depending on your current circumstances. Here are the benefits and drawbacks of hemp cigarettes from a purely objective perspective. Some of them might or might not apply to you, but they are all definitely things to think about.


  • Provide a true cigarette experience
  • Come in packs of 20 with filters
  • Don’t require any rolling experience
  • Natural source of cannabidiol
  • Not addictive like tobacco
  • No harmful added chemicals
  • Federally legal (as of 2018)
  • Contain less than 0.3% THC
  • Easy transition from traditional cigarettes

Also: How to Vape Cannabis Flowers: A Guide


  • Made with industrial hemp (not trimmed buds)
  • Not the highest cannabinoid and terpene content
  • They produce a faint weed smell
  • I May have added flavors
  • Might not satisfy your nicotine cravings
  • Not as widely available as tobacco cigarettes

What’s in A CBD Cigarette, Exactly?

It is likely that industrial hemp would be used if you were to open a hemp cigarette. Not that emerald green substance with crystals and hairs. Industrial hemp has a much more tobacco-like appearance, but with a golden brown or faintly green tint.

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Industrial hemp is essentially the “brick weed” of hemp if you’re familiar with marijuana. Although it doesn’t have a striking appearance, it works. In this scenario, the task is to offer both a cigarette substitute and CBD’s advantages.

The greatest CBD pre-rolls, which have up to five times more terpenes and cannabinoids than average, are ideal if you want to smoke something that is as dank as possible.

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