Parents of Indiana Say They Had to Take out Loans to Cover the Cost of Gas to Transport Their Daughter to Her Cancer Treatments.

A couple from Indiana, whose 15-year-old daughter has bone cancer, is releasing information about their quest to get her life-saving therapy.

Since being diagnosed with the disease more than a year ago, Jinger Vincent has endured various surgeries, including femur bone replacement and lung surgery, in addition to chemotherapy treatment. Due to increasing gas prices, her parents are frequently unable to afford the transportation fees associated with attending their daughter’s treatment visits.

Family Struggling to Afford Gas to Drive Daughter to Cancer Treatment

Vincent is required to attend medical and physical therapy visits nearly every other day, requiring her and her parents to travel up to an hour from their rural Indiana residence. According to CBS News, the family spends more than $200 a week on gasoline due to the recent increase in gas prices.

Therefore, her parents, Analiza Vincent and Keith Vincent have turned to short-term, high-interest loans to support their monthly expenses. The family has also had to reduce its grocery spending.

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Analiza indicated that the family’s top objective was to pay off the mortgage. “Let’s pay a large portion of the bills. But at the conclusion of the day, I said, “Wait a minute, we don’t have money for gas.” Consequently, I end up opting for immediate cash. This is our best pal at the moment.”

Family Struggling to Afford Gas to Drive Daughter to Cancer Treatment

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The Vincents were occasionally able to conserve petrol by living in temporary lodging offered by the Ronald McDonald House near the hospital. According to its website, the organization was founded to lessen the “stress and financial strain for families who must travel distance to get medical care for their kid.”

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Jinger was described as “engaged in sports, notably volleyball and softball,” on a GoFundMe campaign established by Analiza’s coworkers to assist alleviate the financial strain.

Keith told CBS News that it is difficult to see his daughter “wasting away in bed.” However, Keith and Analiza are determined to maintain a positive attitude in order to prioritize their daughter’s health.

Analiza stated, “Even though we cannot afford certain items, we are not concerned.” “She is the big picture.”

“Everyday squabbles are a part of human nature,” Keith continued. “Oh, rent and food, but, you know, you figure it out. When a person has cancer, this type of information disappears.”

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