The Best Way to Locate a Lost iPhone (Step by Step)

You don’t have your iPhone with you, and you’re worried that it might be lost or, worse yet, stolen. Hey, stop being hard on yourself. We’ve all experienced it: a hectic party or concert that becomes a nightmare when you discover that your iPhone is missing.

We are aware that your phone contains a lot of private information, including your contacts, texts, images, and, in many instances, financial data.

We’re prepared to assist. This article explains how to locate your phone using a few basic, straightforward techniques.

Locate My iPhone

An app called “Find My iPhone” comes included on iPhones running iOS 9 and higher. The app is now simply called “Find My” on iOS 13-compatible devices and has the appearance of the icon in the picture.

icloud find my iphone

This software was created by Apple to make it simple to find your iPhone and other connected Apple devices. Although installing this app is quite simple, chances are you’ve already done it because a prompt for it comes when you initially set up your iPhone.

Apple will be able to determine the device’s precise location, whether you left it at the café you were at or in the back of a taxi, assuming this app has been configured on your device.

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You can open the “Find My” app and select the iPhone from the drop-down list at the top of your screen if you also possess an iPad or another Apple gadget. The same Apple ID should be used to operate both devices.

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Open a web browser (such as Safari, Chrome, Firefox, etc.) and go to if you have access to a MacBook or a personal computer. Utilize your Apple ID to log in. When you wish to purchase a movie or song from iTunes or an app from the App Store, you use this email address and password. After logging in, the following screen will appear.

The green “Find iPhone” button that is highlighted in the preceding image should be selected. If “Find my” is enabled on your iPhone, select the device you are trying to locate, and the following screen will appear. You can locate your iPhone with the help of this map.

Utilize Your Other Apple Devices to Locate Your iPhone.

You can ask your Apple Watch to “ping” your phone if you have one and you’ve lost your phone someplace at home or nearby. This will only function if the item you’re looking for is a phone that has been synced with a watch, which is typically the case.

icloud find my iphone

Swipe up on your watch to open the Control Center to apply this technique. An icon that resembles this picture ought to be shown. Tapping on this icon will cause your phone to dinge if it is nearby and within range. To find your phone, keep tapping the ping button.

If you have a HomePod, you may use the exact same procedure on that. It works by saying “Hey Siri, where’s my iPhone.” Siri will ask you if you want your iPhone to emit a sound if your phone is even remotely close.

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You may also use the same Apple ID you use on your phone to enter into on a MacBook or PC and select “Find iPhone.” There should be a “Play Sound” option when you choose the device from the drop-down menu that you are looking for. Your iPhone will begin to ring when you select the “Play Sound” tab.

That pile of laundry you’ve been intending to fold since last year is now gone, and you’ve found your iPhone underneath! The author can also attest to having been there and done that because this is a judgment-free zone.

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How to Proceed if Find My iPhone Doesn’t Display a Location

Be Sure to Register Your iPhone as Lost so That It Becomes Locked and The Contents of Your Phone Are Kept Secure if You’ve Tried Both Procedures but Are Still Unable to Find Them.

You Should Be Able to Access the “lock Mode” Page by Signing Into Your I Cloud Account and Choosing Your Device. You May Make Sure that Your Phone Will Remain Locked until You Find It by Clicking on That.

You Will Be Required to Provide a Contact Phone Number While Doing This. the Phone Will Enter Locked Mode and Show a Message with The Provided Phone Number that Resembles the One in This Picture.

We Offer Our Apologies and Advise You to Wipe Your iPhone to Secure Your Private Data if There Is Absolutely No Chance of Finding Your Phone. Ideally, You Have a Phone Replacement Insurance Policy that Is Still in Effect for Your Device.

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Log Into Your I Cloud Account, Choose the Device You Want to Delete, and Click the “erase iPhone” Tab to Start the Process of Erasing Your iPhone. All Information on Your Phone—including Credit or Debit Cards Used for Apple Pay—will Be Deleted as A Result. This Will Also Prohibit the “Find My” App from Tracing the Device Any Further and Turn Off the Activation Lock, Allowing Someone Else to Unlock and Perhaps Use Your iPhone.

Only Erase Your I Phone if All Previous Attempts to Locate It Have Failed and You Are Certain You Won’t Be Able to Recover It.

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