How To Share Your Pictures With Someone More Easily?

For years, people have used different image formats to save and share their pictures with someone else. Email is considered the safest mode of sharing photographs with different people. However, due to file size limitations, many people struggle to share heavy image files. In such cases, sharing pictures in PDF format is much more feasible.

You can easily convert a JPG file to a PDF file and use it in any way you like. Here are some of the top advantages of using PDF format for your image file sharing.

Secure Sharing Format

The biggest concern for many people when they are sharing their private pictures online is privacy. Because of cyber criminals and misuse of pictures for illicit purposes, many people fear sharing their pictures even with their closest friends or family. Most of the applications built to share pictures are unfortunately not very secure options.

PDF file format protects your image file with a strong password. When you are sharing your image file, you can share the passport only with the relevant party. If your file has been leaked, it will be of no use to criminals without the right password.

Pictures Are Print-Ready

Sharing pictures in PDF format means that the image will be printed on paper as it can be seen on the computer screen. This was not possible with other image file formats.

Many times when you print a photo from a different file format such as jpeg, png, etc, the image needs to be edited first and then you can print it. Whereas, PDF files are ready to be printed without any editing requirements.

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Reduced File Size

If you have to share multiple photos with someone, an email will allow you only a certain number of pictures to be shared in one message. This means that if you have to share more than 10 pictures, you will have to do it in batches. That is not feasible for the sender and the receiver.

The PDF format allows multiple pictures to be converted into a single file. You can further reduce the size of the file by compressing it. It makes it easier to share pictures as a single attachment.

Multiple Pictures Into Album

When you are using the PDF format for sharing pictures, you have the advantage of covering multiple pictures into one file as an album. This makes it easier to share and organize multiple pictures.

For example, if you have multiple shots from one event or a subject, you can make a small album separately and share it with the relevant party.

Maintains Image Quality

Another great advantage of PDF file format for images is that this format retains the quality of pictures. When you save or share image files in different formats, the image quality is often compromised. The sharing process distorts pixels and decreases the quality of the image.

If you want to share a picture by keeping its integrity attached, you should do it by converting it into a PDF format. Visit for more how to guides.


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